Monday, February 18, 2013

Finally, a fun post!

If you're my Facebook friend, then you already know that Ryan came home from CHOC yesterday. :)  Hooray!!  We've got a new plan for his meds and as you can see from the picture he's feeling good and happy to be home.  It was well worth the few days there to have him looking and feeling this good.  He's still throwing up occasionally, so we may need to continue tweaking the reflux meds and formula, but other than that he looks and sounds great.

Last night, sort of at the spur of the moment, we decided to let him try sleeping in his nursery for the first time ever.  Up until now, since he's been home from the NICU he's been sleeping in a pack 'n' play right by the side of my bed.  This was a pretty difficult decision for me to make because, well, it's just kind of a big deal and it means he's growing up.  We had to rig his crib a little so that he will be able to sleep at an incline, but as you can see from the photo, he loved it.  We did his regular bedtime routine, and he fell right to sleep sucking on his favorite binky and clutching his little lovey.  I have to give credit to Dave for the awesome handywork on the pajamas.  Before he was home from the NICU, we had stocked up on various sizes of play and sleepwear, not realizing that he would have a G-tube.  So when I opened the box of 12 month stuff, the only pajamas he had were zippers, which wouldn't work.  So Dave used the snap pliers we have for Spray Pal and rigged these zipper PJs with snaps so that Ryan's tubes can still come out. Super dad!

Last but not least, a funny Dani story that relates to Ryan.  Yesterday, I needed to run to Target. Dave was home with Ryan, who was sleeping away in his swing, so we planned on him just watching both kids so I could run in and out.  When Dani saw me getting ready to leave, she asked, as she so often does, "Mommy, where you going?"  and I replied, as I so often do, "Oh, I'm just going somewhere really boring." trying to persuade her that she really doesn't want to go.  But she said:

Dani: I want to go bowling with you!
Me: Oh, I'm not going BOWLING. I'm going somewhere BORING.  It won't be any fun.  Are you sure you want to go?
Dani: Yes, I'm sure.
Me: Ok, then, but it's going to be boring!

We get in the car, and she says:

Dani: Are we going to boring now?
Me: Yup, are you excited?
Dani: Yup.  Should we bring Ryan?
Me: Well, no, we can't because he's getting his feed and sleeping right now.
Dani: Oh, but he always has to go with us.
Me:  What do you mean?
Dani:  You always take him to boring!

That's when I realized that whenever I'm taking him to his various appointments or what have you, and she asks me where I'm going and if she can come, I always respond with, "You don't want to come with us, it's really boring." LOL

So we head to Target together (the picture below was her leaving to come along, all excited about her "boring" adventure).  We arrive, we shop, we get back in the car.  Then driving home, she says:

Dani: Are we going to boring now?
Me: Haha, Dani, that WAS boring!  We're all finished now and we get to go home!
Dani: (in the 2 year old tantrum voice) THAT WAS NOT BORING!!

I was both tickled and flattered that she thinks so highly of shopping at Target with me. :)

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