Today was nice because I got to get out of the house with Dani for a nice little roller skating outing with our friend Laurie and her boys. Ryan was a good boy for the home nurse, and when Dani and I got back it was time for the Braille Institute lady (I'm sure there's a better name for her: teacher? worker? Julie? Julie works...) to work with Ryan. She brought her big basket of visually stimulating toys, which Dani promptly took out and laid on the floor one by one while Julie and I played with Ryan and tried to get him to look at and grab for objects. She also showed me some apps she had on her iPad which are great for visual activities, and one of them had a fun little monster that Dani absolutely adored, so before her nap I trained her how to say, "Daddy, will you buy me an iPad?" I'll keep you updated on that one. ;)
Tomorrow we have physical therapy and feeding therapy back to back in the morning. Hopefully he doesn't wear himself out in the first appointment before he can get to the eating! Then he has an eye doctor appointment where we should find out if they are going to have us patch his left eye for a few hours each day to help strengthen his right eye. Busy day tomorrow!
Other than all that, Ryan's been doing really well. He's still on the oxygen, but sounds so much clearer and less gunky/wheezy than before when he had RSV. He's still working on strengthening his muscles so he can roll over and sit up on his own, and he's getting so close! We used up the last bag of frozen breastmilk today, so tomorrow he will start on straight formula. He's been throwing up a bit more than usual over the past week or so, but the pediatrician said to give the formula at least 2 weeks before switching to see if his body adjusts. So we're praying that his tummy will tolerate this formula and start growing out of the reflux. It's so hard to watch him throw up every day.
Tonight I'm also asking for some prayers for two twin micropreemie miracles who were born yesterday morning and are fighting for their lives in the NICU right now. Please keep William and Daniel and their mommy and daddy in your thoughts and prayers.
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