Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The Newtown tragedy hasn't really left my mind since it happened on Friday.  I actually had a long blog post typed out about it, but I think it's better to just leave it in my drafts because it was very raw and emotional.  Instead of that over-share, I'll share this blog that I came across today.  I think it is the perfect response to a situation where you just really don't know how to respond or what you can do to help.  These 26 acts of kindness will never bring those children and educators back, but at the very least their tragic loss will hopefully lead to a more positive and loving society.  I always hold my kids tightly because I have always known just how fragile their beautiful lives are, so that part can't change for me.  This is something tangible that I feel like I can do to honor the Sandy Hook children and families.

I'm very hopeful this sentiment will spread like wildfire, and I'm sure it will with the wonders of social media.  I found out about it here:, but I'm not sure where it originated.  We were already planning to bring cookies to the NICU nurses at CHOC tonight, but now it will be in memory of Noah Pozner, who's mother was also a nurse.  Here's a little bit about him from the Huffington Post:

Noah was "smart as a whip," gentle but with a rambunctious streak, said his uncle, Alexis Haller of Woodinville, Wash. Noah's twin sister Arielle, assigned to a different classroom, survived the shooting. He called her his best friend, and with their 8-year-old sister, Sophia, they were inseparable.
"They were always playing together, they loved to do things together," Haller said. When his mother, a nurse, would tell him she loved him, he would answer, "Not as much as I love you, Mom."
Haller said Noah loved to read and liked to figure out how things worked mechanically. For his birthday two weeks ago, he got a new Wii.
"He was just a really lively, smart kid," Haller said. "He would have become a great man, I think. He would have grown up to be a great dad."

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